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Obama for America

"How Emily Benefits from the Affordable Care Act" +
  0:38 web video from June 19, 2012.


Emily Schlichting: My name is Emily Schlichting.  I'm a senior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Jeff Schlichting, Emily's Father: When you graduate, most health insurance plans are going to say get your own.  It started to make us wonder what we were going to do.

TEXT: Under the Affordable Care Act: Young adults can stay on their parents' health plans until they turn 26.

Under the Affordable Care Act: 3.1 million more young adults have health insurance.

TEXT: Watch the full video BarackObama.com/Emily-Story
Emily Schlichting: I'm a person under 26 that is going to need that insurance when I graduate...  And that means a lot.

TEXT: Change is health care for our future

Notes: Uses footage from March video.