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Obama for America

"OFA Ohio: President Obama Cares About Firefighters, Police Officers, Teachers, and the Middle Class" +
  2:45 web video from June 27, 2012.

[Music] TEXT: Last year Governor Kasich signed SB5, and attack on our police officers, fire fighters, teachers and the middle class.

Romney (2011): I fully support Governor Kasich's, I think it's called Question 2 in Ohio.  Fully support that.

TEXT: SB5 (Issue 2) was soundly defeated.
TEXT: But Romney continues to attack our police officers, teachers and fire fighters.

Romney (2011): He says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers.  Did he not get the message of Wisconsin?  The American people did.

TEXT: Ohioans disagree.

Scott C., Police Officer, Groveport: We have to help each other out; we have to be willing to help each other out, and we'll get through the hard times.  And that's important.

Betty E., Teacher, Toledo: A person like Mitt Romney however, everything that I hear says that I'm not important. We the people are not important anymore.

Scott C.: I have seen what John Kasich has done in our state and what he tried to do with Issue 2 and some of the other things he has tried to pass, and I know for a fact, hearing Mitt Romney every day, it's exactly the same.

Jim H., Fire Fighter, Aurora: Mitt Romney is the same group of people that came into Ohio and brought us Senate Bill 5.  An he'll do it at the national level.

Kevin W., Retired Fire Fighter, Grove City: A key to Issue 2 was safety, not only for the fire fighters and the cops, but also safety for the people they serve.

My son's a fire fighter.  He's a fire fighter in the department that I served in.  I want him to be safe in his job; I want him to have a good, good working conditions.  Hopefully my grandkids will be fire fighters some day and have good health care, and that's all about President Obama; it's not about Romney.

Jim H.: This weekend I just had lunch with the president.  He was very interested about what I do on a daily basis and I told him some of the issues that we have locally with the fire fighting.  You see right in his face, right in his eyes that he cares about what real people think about, are worried about, are concerned about.  I could tell.  He's sincere.  He has our back.

Scott C.: For all the police and fire fighters that worked very hard working against Issue 2, knocking on doors, making phone calls, they would be throwing all that away in the trash can if they voted for Mitt Romney.

Betty E.: President Obama, they talk about him being a community worker.  Well you know what?  The community is what this is about.  If he is not elected we're going to be in trouble.

Kevin W.: If Governor Romney becomes president then Issue 2 becomes a nationwide problem.

Jim H.: I would love to see every fire fighter, policeman, teacher, nurse...  that was energized during Senate Bill 5 to go out there and work hard for President Obama because he has your back.
