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Romney for President

"Soul Mate" +
  1:35 web video from May 30, 2012.


Ann Romney: “When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, both of us just dissolved in tears.”

Mitt Romney: “Probably the toughest time in my life was standing there with Ann as we hugged each other and the diagnosis came.”

Ann Romney: “My life was in jeopardy and I was, like, as vulnerable as a person could be. I was frightened. Mitt was frightened, but I needed him desperately.”

Josh Romney: “I think it affected my dad as much as it affected my mom.”

Tagg Romney: “He really stepped up. He let her be sick, let her take the time that she needed.”

Matt Romney: “My dad not only said to my mom that I’ll be there for you. I’ll do everything. You don’t need to worry, but he did that.”

Craig Romney: “She said ‘I’m not going to be able to do the things that I used to do.’ He said, ‘I don’t care.’”

Ben Romney: “This is something they would be able to meet face on and really tackle and come out better on the other end.”

Mitt Romney: “As long as it’s not something fatal, I’m just fine. I’m happy in life as long as I’ve got my soul mate with me.”

Ann Romney: “You certainly recognize when you’re as sick as that and you’re in deep trouble, as I was in, what a true partnership means in a marriage.”

Notes: In a nice touch, the video links to the National MS Society.  The Mitt Romney clips are from Dec. 18, 2011 appearance on "Fox News Sunday."