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Romney for President

"Dismal" +
  1:01 web video from June 5, 2012.


TEXT: President Obama’s Ads In Spanish Are Saying Things Are Going In The Right Direction

TEXT: Obama Campaign Ad

[Static SFX]

Woman in Obama Ad (voiceover): Todavía no hemos llegado a donde queremos llegar.  Pero sabemos que vamos en el camino correcto.

TEXT: Since Obama Took Office, Unemployment For Hispanics Is Up

[Static SFX]

TEXT: in dismal jobs report, unemployment rate of minority workers rises

TEXT: In The Last Month, Hispanic Unemployment Went From 10.3% To 11%

[Static SFX]

TEXT: unemployment jumps to 11 percent among Latinos, report says

More Hispanics Have Fallen Into Poverty Under President Obama

[Static SFX]

TEXT: childhood poverty among Hispanics sets record, leads nation

Woman in Obama Ad (voiceover): Sabemos Que Vamos En El Camino Correcto

[Static SFX]

TEXT: Really?

Notes: A response to the Obama Hispanic media ads "Daniella Urbina," "Ernesto Aprenza," and "Lynnette Acosta."

 Several effects are used, most obviously static for transitions and a visual effect that makes it look like the video was filmed through a dirty window.

According to the Romney for President press release, "The Obama campaign recently released a Spanish-language web ad asserting that “we’re on the right path.” Mitt Romney disagrees and believes that rising unemployment and more Hispanics in poverty is not the “right path” for our country.  America can do better and, with Mitt Romney as president, we will."