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Romney for President

"Jolt" +
  1:01 web video from June 11, 2012.

Romney (voiceover): I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message.

[Sound] TEXT: June 1, 2012

various news clips:

Diane Sawyer: Tonight on World News, jobs jolt—the worst jobs number in a year.

Mika Brzezinski: ...May jobs report just came out and the numbers are not good...

Ashley Morrison: ...investors react to May's dismal jobs report...

Brian Shactman: ...unemployment rate up to 8.2-percent...

Hampton Pearson: ...job losses, construction, huge, down 28,000...

Brian Shactman: ...69,000 is way down...

Joshua Green: ...because we added 300,000 more long-term unemployed...

Richard Wolffe: ...a tragedy for people out there who are still looking for work...

Brian Shactman: This is just a bad, bad number...

Hampton Pearson: But overall here nowhere to really hide given this report.

TEXT: One week later

Obama: The private sector's doing fine.  Where we're seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government...

Obama: The private sector's doing fine... 

TEXT: Has there ever been a president so out of touch with the middle class?

Notes: According to the press release...

Last Friday, the unemployment rate rose to 8.2 percent and 300,000 more people joined the long-term unemployed. One week later, President Obama said the private sector is doing fine. Only a president that presides over forty months of unemployment over 8 percent would think that the last jobs report is “doing fine.” These comments show that President Obama is completely out of touch with the middle class.