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Romney for President

"The Only Ones Affected?" +
  0:28 web video from June 12, 2012.

[Sound] Obama (KTIV-Sioux City 6.11.12): The only folks who have been impacted in terms of the health care bill are insurance companies...

[SFX] TEXT: Nearly 75% of small businesses concerned about ObamaCare  [Politico, 1/18/12]

[SFX] TEXT: Job-destroying medical device tax  [The Gainesville Sun, 6/3/12]

[SFX] TEXT: Largest tax hike in nearly two decades  [Wall Street Journal, 7/11/11]

[SFX] TEXT: Day One.  Job One.  Repeal ObamaCare

Notes: The video makes valid points.  From a design point of view the "Day One.  Job One. Repeal ObamaCare" screen is strange; "Repeal ObamaCare" is shown in tiny red letters.