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Romney for President

"Looks LIke A One-Term Proposition" +
  0:41 web video from June 14, 2012.


TEXT: 2009

Obama (Feb. 2, 2009): I will be held accountable.  You know I've got four years.  If I don't have this done in three years then there's going to be a one term proposition.

TEXT: 2010

Bill Clinton: The Democrats are saying something like this.  Don't go back in reverse.  Give us two more years.  If it doesn't work you have another election in just two years; you can vote us all out then.

TEXT: 2012

Obama (June 14, 2012): Of course the economy isn't where it needs to be.  Of course we have a lot more work to do.  Everybody knows that.

TEXT: Sounds like a one term proposition.
