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Obama for America

"Go" +
0:60 ad run starting May 7, 2012 in CO, FL, IA, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA and VA.  

[Music] Male Announcer: 2008.  An economic meltdown.

Newscaster: ...worst financial collapse since the Great Depression.

Male Announcer: 4.4 million jobs lost.

Newscaster: American workers were laid off in numbers not seen in over three decades...

Male Announce
r: America’s economy, spiraling down.

Newscaster: ...the biggest point drop that there’s ever been seen in a day.

Male Announcer: All before this President took the oath. 

Obama (clip from Inauguration): ...so help me God.

Male Announcer: Some said our best days were behind us.  But not him.

Obama: Don’t bet against the American worker.

Male Announcer: He believed in us.  Fought for us.   

And today our auto industry is back…firing on all cylinders. 

Our greatest enemy brought to justice by our greatest heroes. Our troops are home from Iraq.

Instead of losing jobs, we're creating them.  Over 4.2 million so far. 

We’re not there yet…it’s still too hard for too many.

But we’re coming back.  Because America’s greatness comes from a strong middle class.  Because you don’t quit.

And neither does he.

Obama: I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Notes: According to the Obama campaign press release the ad...

...details President Obama’s commitment to the American worker and belief that a strong and growing economy that's built to last starts with returning to the basic values of fairness and opportunity that made our country great.

From rescuing the auto industry on the verge of financial collapse to cracking down on risky financial deals that crashed our economy, the moment President Obama took the oath of office he has fought for a forward-looking America, where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded, where everyone has a fair shot and does their fair share, and everyone from Wall Street to Main Street plays by the same set of rules.  And instead of losing jobs, we are now creating them--4.2 million jobs over 26 consecutive months of private sector growth. 

But there’s still more to do to keep America moving forward and restore economic security for the middle class.  That is why President Obama is running for re-election, because America can not afford to go back.