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Obama for America

"Brian" +
0:30 ad run starting May 10, 2012 in OH

[Music] Brian Slagle: The auto industry was crashing down, I was scared to death.

I had a newborn baby, wife, house, and I got laid off.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do.

Male Announcer: Under the President's auto rescue plan, the industry restructured, saving over 1 million jobs.

Brian Slagle: Obama stuck his neck out for us, the auto industry; he wasn't going to let it just die, and I'm driving in this morning because of that, because of him.

Obama: I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Notes: On May 11 the RNC posted a fact check "Will Team Obama come clean on new ad?" which stated...

"Obama claimed to have helped the star of his latest ad campaign get a job even though his Facebook page says he was employed since 2006.  Can Team Obama verify they helped him with his job?  It’s interesting his Facebook page would change when questions were asked.  Also, is this the best Stimulus success story the administration can point to?  A company that took $299 million in taxpayer dollars only to close a factory and outsource to Hungry.  With success stories like these, no wonder independents rate the Stimulus negatively by 50-44 percent."