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Obama for America

"Succeed" +
0:30 ad run starting May 10, 2012 in CO, FL, IA, OH and VA.  

[Music] Obama (to camera and voice over): The decision to intervene with the auto industry was not popular but I was convinced it was the right thing to do, because it wasn't just the million jobs that were at stake.  It was also part of what built our middle class, creating products stamped with those words "Made in America."  What happened in Detroit can happen in all sorts of communities where when you combine American innovation with the best workers in the world, we can succeed.

Obama: I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Notes: According to the Obama campaign press release...

Earlier this week, Obama for America released a television ad titled  “Go," which details President Obama’s commitment to moving America forward. Today, in a continued effort to share President Obama’s vision for our country, Obama for America released a new television ad in Virginia titled “Succeed” that highlights how the resurgence of the American auto industry has helped restore economic security to middle class families. When the industry was on the verge of collapse, and others advocated letting “Detroit go bankrupt,” President Obama took decisive action that helped save more than one million jobs, and now as a result, the American auto industry has emerged stronger and more competitive.

President Obama is committed to the American worker and the belief that a strong and growing economy that's built to last starts with returning to the basic values of fairness and opportunity that made our country great.  There’s still more work to do to keep America moving forward and restore economic security for the middle class.  That is why President Obama is running for re-election, because America cannot afford to go back.