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Obama for America

"Sacred Trust" +
:30 ad run starting May 23, 2012 in selected states/markets. 

[Music] Obama: The sacrifices that our troops have made have been incredible.

It's because of what they've done that we've been able to go after al Qaeda and kill bin Laden.

And when they come home, we have a sacred trust to make sure that we are doing everything we can to heal all of their wounds…

giving them the opportunities that they deserve to find a job...

and get the education that they need.

It’s not enough just to make a speech about how much we value veterans, it’s not enough just to remember them on Memorial Day.

Obama (voiceover): I’m Barack Obama, and I approve this message.

Notes: From the press release, the ad...

highlights the president’s strong commitment to honoring our veterans who have served and protect our nation.
Since day one in office, President Obama has made it a priority to help veterans get the health care and benefits they’ve earned, find work when they return home, and afford a college education. That’s why he provided historic funding for veterans health care, gave businesses tax credits for hiring unemployed veterans, and improved the post-9/11 GI bill so those who serve and their spouses can get help paying for college.
This stands in contrast to Mitt Romney’s record, policies, and promises, which would break the trust President Obama holds with America’s military families.  As governor of Massachusetts, Romney slashed veterans’ programs his first month in office, and the Romney-Ryan budget would cut all domestic spending, including veterans’ care, by nearly 20 percent. He also left veterans issues out of his 59-point plan for jobs and economic growth, his major foreign policy speech, and his 44-page foreign policy white paper.
As millions of our servicemen and women return home from war, we must continue fulfilling our duty to them and their families for their service.