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Obama for America

"Rebuild" +

:30 ad from June 25, 2012 run in CO, FL, IA, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA and VA. 

[Music] Obama: I talk to folks on rope line, in coffee shops—people who have been out of work.  You can tell it, it wears on them.

Male Announcer: He's fought to pull us out of economic crisis for three years and he still is.  President Obama's plan keeps taxes down for the middle class, invests in education, and asks the wealthy to pay their fair share.

[Swish SFX]

Mitt Romney and his billionaire allies can spend millions to distort the president's words, but they're not interested in rebuilding the middle class.

[Swish SFX]

He is.

Obama (voiceover): I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Notes: The campaign did not announce this ad.  It seems fairly effective; it combines a positive message featuring lots of images of Obama interacting with people wth a sharp at "Mitt Romney and his billionaire allies.