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Obama for America

  :60 radio ad from Aug. 6, 2012 run in Ohio.


Obama: I'm Barack Obama, candidate for president, and I approve this message.


Male Announcer: When he ran for president, Barack Obama pledged to support clean coal and invest in new technologies, and here in Ohio coal production's increased 7% since Obama took office.  Ohio coal jobs are up 10%.  Obama's also made one of America's largest investments ever in clean coal technology, a $5 billion effort to create the next generation of coal-fired plants.  And under Obama natural gas production is at an all time high.  With shale gas deposits across Appalachia, thousands of good jobs are on the way.

And Mitt Romney?  He's attacking the president's record on coal, but here's what Romney said in 2003 at a press conference in front of a coal plant.

Romney: "...I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people...[applause]...and that plant kills people..."

Male Announcer: So when it comes to coal, ask yourself who's been honest, and who's playing politics.

Obama: Paid for by Obama for America.
