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Obama for America

  "VA More Traffic" +
  :60 radio ad run from Aug. 20, 2012, run in VA.


[Music] Clint (fake male news announcer: And now we go to Kathy Kaye in the traffic center.

Kathy (fake female news announcer): Thanks Clint.  As usual traffic in Northern Virginia [music fades out] is backed up again with long delays on 66 and 395.

Clint: Could things get any worse?

Kathy: Actually traffic and our roads could get worse with the Ryan-Romney budget plan.

Clint: The Ryan-Romney plan?

Kathy: Yeah.  The guy Mitt Romney picked as his vice presidential candidate, Paul Ryan, put forward a budget plan that slashes investments in road and infrastructure projects.

Clint: His budget plan devastates infrastructure and road projects?

Kathy: That's his record and Ryan has even opposed bridge repair and safety bills.

Clint: So what does that really say about Mitt Romney if he picked this guy as his running mate?

Kathy: Well it says Mitt Romney doesn't really understand Northern Virginia.

Clint: Or what it's like wasting time in traffic.

Kathy: You said it.

Obama: I'm Barack Obama, candidate for president, and I approved this message.

Female Announcer: Paid for by Obama for America.

Notes: press release.