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Obama for America

"No Taxes" +

:30 ad from Sept. 24, 2012 in OH.

[Music] Male Announcer: Mitt Romney attacked 47% of Americans who pay no income tax - including veterans, elderly, the disabled.

Romney: “My job is not to worry about those people”

Male Announcer: Doesn’t the President have to worry about everyone?

Mitt Romney paid just 14.1% in taxes last year

He keeps millions in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.

He won’t release his tax returns before 2010.

Maybe instead of attacking others on taxes…

Romney should come clean on his.

Obama (voiceover): I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.

Notes: From the press release...

Obama for America released a new television advertisement titled “No Taxes” to welcome Mitt Romney to Ohio this week.

Mitt Romney may have callously written off 47 percent of Americans, but President Obama knows that Romney was wrong to accuse tens of millions of Americans of not paying their fair share. The overwhelming majority of these Americans are workers, seniors, students, and people with disabilities, and they pay a significant share of their income in taxes, including social security and Medicare taxes and state and local taxes. These Americans shouldn't be put down; they should be respected for working hard and contributing to their communities.

Instead of accusing hardworking Americans of failing to pay their fair share, Mitt Romney should come clean with the American people. With just two years of returns on the table, Mitt Romney falls far behind longstanding precedent – failing to match other Presidential candidates.