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Romney for President, Inc.

"First 100 Days: Ohio" +
:30 ad from June 22, 2012. 

[Music] Male Announcer: President Romney’s First 100 Days.

        TEXT: President Romney’s First 100 Days

What will they mean for Ohio?

        TEXT: What will they mean for Ohio?

        TEXT: Day 01

Day One, President Romney stands up to China, demands a level playing field for our businesses and workers.

By Day 100, President Romney repeals regulations that are strangling our energy industry and costing us jobs.

        TEXT: Day 100

President Romney’s First 100 Days.  For Ohio, already a better place to do business as we see more factories and jobs coming back.

Romney (voiceover): I’m Mitt Romney and I approved this message.

Notes: It is very interesting to see the way the campaign has tailored its message to the different states...

North Carolina
Day One
moves to repeal Obamacare and attacks the deficit, starting with $20 billion in savings. moves to repeal Obamacare.  Then Romney moves to cut taxes that kill jobs. stands up to China, demands a level playing field for our businesses and workers. moves to repeal Obamacare and attacks the deficit, starting with $20 billion in savings.
Day 100
working toward a balanced budget, making sure the government lives within its means. leadership brings new certainty to our economy and the promise of new banking and high-tech jobs. repeals regulations that are strangling our energy industry and costing us jobs. reverses Obama’s offshore drilling ban, creating thousands of new jobs for Virginians.
for the people
fewer worries about their future and their children's future. a new start.
a better place to do business as we see more factories and jobs coming back.
new life, new energy for our state.

The imagery is also tailored to the respective states.  Thus in the Iowa version there are several shots of fields, the North Carolina version shows the Charlotte skyline, the Ohio version the Cleveland skyline, and the Virginia version the Richmond skyline.  However, the ad producers were not always on target; the Virginia version includes a scene of Romney at the Iowa State Fair (and less obviously the North Carolina version includes a scene of Romney in a hardware store in Derry, NH).