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Romney for President, Inc.

"It's Just Not Getting Better" +
:30 ad from Aug. 5, 2012. 

Male Announcer: In June [music fades in], jobless ranks were higher in nearly 90 percent of U.S. cities.

In July, unemployment went up again.

And the President is running out of time.

Under Obama’s economy, it’s just not getting better.

[Music up tempo] Mitt Romney has a plan for a stronger middle class.

Under the Romney plan more jobs and more take-home pay.

It’s a plan that works for America.

Romney (voiceover): I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.

Notes: According to the press release, "Under President Obama, our economy is just not getting better. Mitt Romney has a plan to build a stronger middle class with more jobs and more take-home pay. That’s the type of leadership we need."

A cynic might say that the Romney ad campaign is just not getting better.  This is substance free; how about going into detail on the plan or at least pointing people to a plan page on the website?