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Romney for President, Inc./Republican National Committee

"Long History" +
:30 ad from Aug. 13, 2012. 

[Music] Male Announcer: Do you support work for welfare?

Barack Obama has a long history of opposing work for welfare.

State Sen. Barack Obama, June 8, 1998: "I was not a huge supporter of the federal plan that was signed in 1996..."

Male Announcer: On July 12th, Obama quietly ended work requirements for welfare.

You wouldn't have to work and wouldn't have to train for a job.

[Music up tempo] Mitt Romney strongly believes work must be a part of welfare.

The Romney plan for a stronger middle class...

It'll put work back in welfare.

Romney (voiceover): I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.

Notes: This ad continues on the theme raised in "Right Choice" (Aug. 7).  According to the press release, "President Obama has a long history of opposing work for welfare. Last month, President Obama ended work requirements for welfare. Mitt Romney believes work must be part of welfare and will put work back in welfare."