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Romney for President, Inc.

"Bigger, Better America" +

:60 ad from Nov. 4, 2012.

[Music] Romney: My conviction that better days are ahead is not based on promises and hollow rhetoric but on solid plans and proven results. And it's based on an unshakable faith in the American spirit. If there's anyone worried that the last four years are the best we can do, if there's anyone who fears that the American Dream is fading, if there's anyone who wonders whether better jobs and better paychecks are things of the past, I have a clear and unequivocal message: With the right leadership, America is coming roaring back.

And you saw the differences when President Obama and I were side to side in our debates. He says it has to be this way. I say it can't stay this way. He’s offering excuses. I've got a plan. I can't wait for us to get started. He's hoping we'll settle. Americans don't settle. We build. We aspire. We listen to that voice inside us that says we can do better – a better job, a better life for our kids, a bigger, better country.

And I know we can't lose on Tuesday. … I need your help.  God bless...

Romney (voiceover): I’m Mitt Romney and I approved this message.

Notes: Clips from Romney's Nov. 2, 2012 appeaance in West Chester, OH.