PRESS RELEASE from Friends of Herman Cain

November 2, 2011: For Immediate Release

Longtime Farm Leader Kleckner Endorses Cain
Former American Farm Bureau President Kleckner Releases Radio Endorsement of Cain

Des Moines – Saying the 'American farmer is under attack,' former American Farm Bureau President, Dean Kleckner released a radio ad this week endorsing Herman Cain because he believes 'Cain will stand up for farmers.'

Kleckner argues that government overregulation is hurting American agriculture and that running a farm is like running a business.  “Herman Cain is a proven CEO,” says Kleckner.  He goes on to say that “Herman Cain reminds me of Ronald Reagan and I knew Ronald Reagan.”

Kleckner spent 24 years as president of the Iowa and American Farm Bureaus and became one of the most respected ag leaders to come out of Iowa in the last fifty years.

“I spent much of my life in the food industry and we could not have succeeded without great American agriculture,” said Cain. “I want to thank Mr. Kleckner for his endorsement and let all farmers know that we will stand with them as they try to feed the world.”

“Despite the fact that most Iowans live in small towns and cities now, the farm vote is still critical for any candidate seeking the Republican nomination,” said Steve Grubbs, Iowa Chairman for the Cain Campaign. “The endorsement from Dean Kleckner shows the continued momentum Herman Cain is gaining in Iowa.  We believe we can bring the farm community onto the Cain Train and make us competitive in the caucuses.”

The radio ad with Kleckner's endorsement will air on statewide radio and WHO radio in Des Moines.  The ad represents the campaigns first paid media specifically produced for the State of Iowa. “The fact that our first ad in Iowa focuses on agriculture should send a message to the Iowa ag community how much we value the contribution of farmers to the American economy and their importance in the caucuses,” said Mark Block, Chief of Staff to the Cain for President campaign.

Kleckner's last line in the radio ad summed it all up, “I think Herman Cain should be the next president of the United States of  America.”

For More Information:
J.D. Gordon, Vice President of Communications
Friends of Herman Cain, Inc.

For Immediate Release