To Save America |
May 11-Announces
candidacy. |
Jan. 20-On Inauguration Day, Gingrich will be 68 years, 7
months old. |
Marries Callista Bisek. | Launches
Center for Health Transformation |
the Future |
Founds American Solutions for Winning the Future, a 527
group. Rediscovering God in America |
Sept. 29-Announces will not run
for president in 2008. |
March 29-Converts to Catholicism. |
Narrowly defeats Democrat David Worley. | Runs in new district due to redistricting. | Draws up "Contract with America" that helps GOP gain first majority in the House since 1954. | Time magazine's "Man of the Year." Elected Speaker of the House, serves to Jan. 1999. | To
Renew America President Clinton effectively runs against "Dole- Gingrich." |
House votes to reprimand and fine Gingrich. Effort to replace Gingrich as Speaker fails. | Lessons
Learned The Hard Way Republicans lose five seats. Resigns as Speaker. |
Congress. Founds the Gingrich Group, a consulting firm. Divorces second wife. |
Divorce from first wife final. Marries Marianne Ginther. | Launches "Conservative Opportunity Society" caucus. | Co-authors Window of Opportunity. | Becomes chairman of GOPAC. | Leading critic on ethics of Speaker Jim Wright. | Elected Minority Whip. |
Professor of History and Environmental Studies at West Georgia College, 1970-78. | Doctoral degree in Modern European History from Tulane University. | . | . | Unsuccessful campaign for Congress in GA-6, defeated by incumbent Rep. Jack Flynt (D). | . | Unsuccessful campaign for Congress in GA-6, defeated by Rep. Jack Flynt (D). | . | Elected to Congress in GA-6, defeating Virginia Shapard (D). | . |
. | Graduates from Baker High School in Columbus, GA. | Marries Jackie Battley. (They have two daughters). | . | . | Graduates from Emory University with a B.A. in history. | . | . | Master's degree in Modern European History from Tulane University. | . |
. | . | . | . | . | . | Gingrich family in Europe, 1956-60. | . | . | . |
. | . | . | Born June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA. Mother files for divorce. | . | . | Mother marries Robert Gingrich, who adopts Newt. | . | . | . |
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