Free and Equal Elections Foundation today announced that its second 2012 Presidential debate is scheduled for October 30 in Washington, DC, from 9:00pm to 10:30pm Eastern Time. The venue will be announced shortly.
As a follow-up to Free & Equal’s October 23 debate at the Hilton Chicago, viewers of the first debate will choose which two candidates advance to the final debate on October 30 via instant runoff voting online. The debate will be broadcast live online and will focus on international issues.
Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson have all confirmed their participation in the October 23 debate.
Following the initial October 23 debate, viewers can vote for the candidates online, ranking their first and second choices. This form of instant runoff voting (IRV) — a method used in numerous countries, United States jurisdictions, and private organizations — allows voters to submit their top two choices, so they aren’t “throwing away” a vote. Voting ends 24 hours after the end of the debate. The top two candidates with the most votes will be announced Thursday morning and will advance to the final debate on October 30.
“This is an example of how a Presidential debate and election should work,” stated Christina Tobin, founder and chair of Free & Equal. “Instant runoff voting removes the spoiler effect and promotes more positive, issue-focused campaigns. This method brings neutrality and fairness to electing the leader of our country and eliminates the “lesser of two evils” problem.”
Watch Larry King talk about the first debate.
“The Free and Equal Foundation has done a terrific job in bringing together these presidential candidates,” stated Rob Richie, executive director of Fair Vote. “Its plans for a second debate should generate all the more interest, and it’s great to see such a good voting method used to pick the two candidates who will face off in the second debate. Instant runoff voting is a proven means to accommodate voter choice. Just as our board member and 1980 presidential candidate John B. Anderson said in his recent oped, the major parties should stop playing chicken with voters and instead enact instant runoff voting. Using the system to narrow the debate field to two will provide a good example of how it works — and how easy it is for voters.”
Free & Equal has assembled a diverse group of ballot-qualified candidates, political parties, media, businesses, musicians, radio personalities, organizations, and individuals across the political spectrum to support an open, honest, unscripted, multi-partisan debate for American voters and the international community. Current sponsors include:The Nation,The American Conservative, Fair Vote,Fair Tax Nation,Humboldt Sentinel,Before It’s News,The Josh Tolley Show,Ballot Access News,Come Home America,Owl Creek Gazette,Free Talk Live,Securing Liberty Radio,1787 Network,Voice of Russia,Freedom’s Phoenix,Muslims for Liberty,National Constitution Party,The Justice Party,Blue Republicans,Restore the Republic,Re-Tea Party,Free the Vote NC,We the People,Grassroots for Liberty,New Progressive Alliance,Libertarian Party of Illinois,Liberty Candidates,Liberty Avengers,Liberty Chat,Cook County Green Party,Marin Libertarian Party,Rockford Tea Party,Dangerous Conversation,End the Lie,Wide Awake News,Freedom Files,Kelly Truth Squad,1787 Flags,The Liberty ViewsLetter,Liberty Hour,Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution. ,Through the Mirror with Larry Sinclair,ROJS Radio Live,Drudge Retort,Freedom Informant Network,Gadsden Rising on Freedomize,Irregular Times,J.D. Nero,The Industry,,LulzBot,Ron Paul Flix,Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox,,Rense Radio Network,Milwaukee Business Promotions,Libertarian Party of Tennessee,Devvy,KCSB, Independent Political Report, Global Political Awakening, andNo Agenda.
The October 23 debate will be broadcast live at,, RT, Al Jazeera, and Link TV.Click here to RSVP for the online broadcast.
The October 30 debate will be broadcast live at and other media outlets to be announced.