PRESS RELEASE from The Michigan Republican Party
February 28, 2012

Schostak Slams Michael Moore & Organized Attempts to Undermine the Michigan Republican Primary

Lansing, Mich., Feb. 28, 2012 – Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak issued the following statement in response to liberal activist Michael Moore statement, encouraging his “Democratic friends” to undermine today’s Republican primary.

“Michael Moore’s actions and attempts to undermine the Michigan primary by telling his ‘Democratic friends’ to vote in the Republican primary for the sole reason of undermining the results is unacceptable and should be denounced by all parties,” said Bobby Schostak, chairman of the Michigan Republican Party.

Michael Moore made this statement last night, while appearing on The Rachel Maddow Show, link:

Schostak continued, “Michael Moore represents the worst of the Democratic Party and in an embarrassment to all Michigan citizens. Moore is nothing more than a member of the hypocritical Hollywood elite.

“The organized attempt by organizations and campaigns to dilute the election results and undermine the primary process is wrong, and in contrast to our values.

“I encourage all Michigan Republicans send a message to Michael Moore by showing up at the polls and voting for the Republican best suited in their minds to defeat President Obama.”