Independent Activity

Draft Thad McCotter for President

By Amber Janelle Dunn of Upland, Calif., launched May 19, 2011.

Draft Thad McCotter for President!!  My name is Amber and I LOVE THAD MCCOTTER! 

He is smart.  He's hip.  He's tough.   And, he is a REAL guy.  I've met him, heard him speak countless times and am in awe with how much he knows about our country.  He's like the Winston Churchill of our time but he can play a mean guitar.  LOL!  I live in Southern California and always catch him on Dennis Miller and Fox's RED EYE.  S.E. Cupp and Andrew Breitbart have already encouraged him to run so I figured I should too. 

There are so many retreads that are running for President - fine men (and possibly women) that don't stand a chance against President Obama.  Thad McCotter will beat him!  Please join me in encouraging him to run for President....sign my petition below and join my Facebook group!!

Ed. Notes

>This site is a late arrival among the independent efforts.  McCotter's name first surfaced in presidential speculation in the latter part of April 2011; in March 2011 he spoke at the Conservative Principles Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, and he has a visit scheduled for NH in early June.

>According to the site, McCotter is: Smart.  Hip.  Tough.  Real.  The menu bar lists five sections: What Others Are Saying, Read Thad, Watch Thad, Draft Thad and Find Thad.