Independent Activity  (beta)

March 2011. 

Ron Paul Answers is your ultimate go-to site for Questions and Answers relating to Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Getting started on Ron Paul Answers is easy – just click the Submit a Question button, or click on an existing question to leave an answer. You’ll have to register to participate, which is fairly painless, and only takes a couple clicks if you’re logged into Facebook. (Your info is safe with us….we hate spam as much as you).

Ed. Notes

>This interesting site is still in beta and going through testing, but one gets the idea of how it will work.  In "The Man" section, for example, "Sound of Silence" posted the question "Why Should a Progressive  Vote for Ron Paul?" on March 18.  libertyclick responded with seven paragraphs on March 22.  In the "Issues" section JRWISERJR posted "Flat tax?" (Will President Paul Push for a Flat Tax?) on March 18; newbitech responded the same day.

>The platform is WordPress.

>This is a moderated site.  ("If we determine certain questions or comments are in poor choice, not related to Ron Paul, are spam, derogatory, or inappropriate they will be removed by our moderators.") 

>One interesting feature is the rating system.  This may prove impractical.  As described on the site:

Rating the Helpfulness of Answers

Anyone can give an answer a “+” or “-” rating depending upon whether they think the answer is helpful or not. Please be thoughtful when you rate answers, as people do put time and thought into their answers. If your answer earns a negative rating it doesn’t necessarily mean it was wrong; it just means that it may not have been helpful to that particular user. You can always reply to your answer with a clarification if needed.

Selecting “Best Answers”

Marking an answer as the “best” answer will highlight it green and reward the person who answered it with with a star. Selecting the “best” answer to your question is a subjective process, and deciding what criteria makes an answer the “best” answer is totally up to you.

Earning Stars

You can earn stars for answering questions. Every time one of your answers is marked as the “Best” answer by the person who asked the question earns you 1 or more stars.

1-4 “Best” answers = 1 star
5-9 “Best” answers = 2 stars
10-19 “Best” answers = 3 stars
20 or more “Best” answers = 4 stars