Campaign Literature

Friends of Herman Cain
Card  3 1/2" x 6", Oct. 8, 2011, from Values Voter Summit

9 - 9 - 9

Our current economic crisis calls for bold action to truly stimulate the economy and Renew America back to its greatness.  I am calling on President Obama to support the Phase One Enhanced Plan of my Vision for Economic Renewal.  It's time we place politics aside and become united around common sense solutions.

Phase One unites Flat Tax supporters with FairTax supporters, it removes the chains of class warfare that are found within our current tax code, and it achieves the broadest possible tax base along with the lowest possible rate of nine percent.  This also moves our country closer to Phase Two: the FairTax.

9% Business Flat Tax
- Includes gross income less al investment and all purchases from other businesses
- Introduces Empowerment Zones to offer additional payroll deductions for those employed in the zone

9% Individual Flat Tax
- Includes gross income less charitable deductions
- Introduces Empowerment Zones to offer additional deductions for those living and/or working in the zone

9% National Sales Tax
- Brings the FairTax off the sideline & into the game

Removes the Payroll Tax, Capital Gains Tax, and the Death Tax