Campaign Literature

Gary Johnson 2012
Single-fold Brochure, 8 1/2" x 11", early May 2011

When Gary Johnson Goes To Washington, Everybody Goes.

The People’s President

If we want a different America, we have to start electing differently.

The challenges now facing our nation didn’t just happen. We elected them one senator, member of Congress and president at a time. With our support, our elected officials have led us to record unemployment, a devalued currency, banking scandals, the mortgage crisis, drug crisis, economic crisis, loss of our nation’s industrial might, entry into multi-national conflicts – and a long list of other reminders that our nation is off course. If we keep sending the same people back to Washington to do the same job, we’ll keep getting the same result. Since Washington refuses to change, it’s up to us to change Washington.

President Obama is reportedly planning to raise and spend $1 billion in a bid to remain in office. The individuals and organizations donating all that money have a vested interest in keeping things exactly the way they are in America.

Are you satisfied with the America their money keeps buying them? Then join me. 

There is no THEY out there ready swoop in and set things right in our nation. There's you and me. It’s up to us to take on the burden of liberty. We'll get a different America when we start electing our leaders differently.

While I was their governor, New Mexicans enjoyed the longest period of improvement in the state's history – without a tax increase. I wasn’t a Republican governor in a Democrat state. I was everyone’s governor – working for the common good. As your president, you’ll always know where I stand. I stand with you.

The American people deserve a president with the will to go the distance for them – and the experience to get them there quickly.


No Obstacle Too Great.

An Ironman triathlete, cyclist, self-made businessman and successful statesman, Governor Gary Johnson understands the value of determination and the power of vision.

In 2003, he summited Mt. Everest and has made it a goal to climb the highest peak on every continent.

Crossover Appeal.

Republican Gary Johnson was re-elected governor of Democrat New Mexico by a wide margin.

Real ideas. Real results. Proven in the real world.

Gary Johnson served two terms as New Mexico’s governor and is best known for his common-sense, up-front and honest approach to public service. In 1994, he inherited a state government on the wrong end of every statistic. Within two terms, he had eliminated New Mexico's budget deficit and cut the rate of state government growth in half while reducing the state workforce by over 10% (without laying off a single qualified state worker). While in office, Gary Johnson vetoed 750 bills of wasteful legislation and had thousands of line items – earning him the nickname, “Governor Veto.”


Gary Johnson didn’t just talk about efficient, limited government.

He ran one.

Gary Johnson 2012
The People's President

Participate in your freedom.

To solve America’s challenges, we must deal from reality.


The reality is: Many of our key protections under the Bill of Rights and The U.S. Constitution are gone. Government was never intended to enjoy such sweeping, intrusive power over the private lives of individual citizens. Our nation was founded on the principles of personal liberty and freedom from unwarranted governmental control or regulation. These freedoms are now under attack from the very people charged with upholding them. I’m committed to the cause of less government, greater liberty and lasting peace and prosperity for all Americans.


The reality is: The United States must live within its means. Government spending must be reduced to the amount of money it collects – and deliver fair value to the American taxpayer for every dollar spent. Multi-trillion dollar deficits threaten the security of our nation and its people now and into the next several generations. The time to balance the budget is now.



The reality is: We can’t tax ourselves into economic recovery. I don’t believe in raising taxes. Lowering taxes and balancing the federal budget will stimulate a new era of prosperity.



The reality is: Fences and walls do not keep out illegal immigrants.  Real border security means knowing who is coming here and why. Our focus should be on making sure the undocumented contribute to our society instead of taking advantage of it. By making it easy and lawful for employers to document their laborers, we turn a national problem into a taxable, manageable solution.



The reality is: There can be no compromise on the issue of clean air and clean water. America needs to be a land with a healthy environment and policies that encourage a market-based transition to more renewable and environmentally-sustainable energy sources. I do not support “Cap and Trade” policies. I believe in – and personally practice – responsible conservationism.



The reality is: The United States should only resort to military action as provided for in the Constitution. I believe in a strong defense both at home and abroad. I opposed the Republican majority regarding the war in Iraq and still argue the United States should withdraw our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as effectively possible. Defense budgets and contractors need to be carefully scrutinized and operate with greater transparency. American citizens must be protected against terrorism, but they must also be protected from the corruption, waste and short-sightedness of our military-industrial complex. We can’t afford the high cost of nation-building around the globe when we have a nation to build and rebuild here at home. The needs of American citizens must take priority.



The reality is: The government should not be in the health care business. Like all industries, health care would benefit from a free-market approach providing the best product and services at the best price.



The reality is: Despite our best efforts at enforcement, education and interdiction, people continue to use and abuse illegal drugs. I advocate a Don’t Do Drugs policy. I don’t drink alcohol, smoke tobacco or use illegal drugs. But others in our society do. We mustn’t turn a blind eye to the obvious parallels with Prohibition in the 1920’s – and the lessons our nation learned. Prohibition was repealed because it made matters worse. Today, no one is trying to sell our kids bathtub gin in the schoolyard and micro-breweries aren’t protecting their turf with machine guns. It’s time to apply that thinking to marijuana. By making it a legal, regulated product, we can restrict its availability, curtail under-age use, cut enforcement/court/incarceration costs, remove the criminal element and access a multi-billion dollar underground economy. In the European countries where this strategy has been tested, under-age use has dropped – as has the crime rate. By managing marijuana like alcohol and tobacco – regulating, taxing and enforcing its lawful use – we will be better off than we are now. The billions we save on marijuana interdiction, along with the billions captured as legal revenue, can be redirected against the individuals committing real crimes against society. I do not favor the legalization and lawful distribution of harder drugs, but I believe their use should be dealt with as a health issue – not a criminal justice issue.

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Good Government Costs Far Less Than Bad Government. We’re going to need money for expenses and advertising. Whether your household can donate $2,012, $20 or even $12 – it will be money well spent. I’ll use it to buy back our freedom.

With social media available, you can have a big effect on your friends and families. Make a few calls. Send a few texts and emails. Tweet. Repost Gary Johnson news. If everyone does a little, we can accomplish a lot.

Please participate in your freedom. Drop in the bucket.

Paid for by Gary Johnson for President Committee

Gary Johnson 2012
The People's President
Participate in your freedom.