PRESS RELEASE from Newt 2012
January 4, 2012

Congressman Napier Named SC Newt 2012 Co-Chair

Pawleys Island, SC – Former Congressman and federal judge, John Napier of Pawleys Island, has agreed to join Debra and Billy Wilkins as SC Newt Gingrich campaign Co-Chairmen. 

Congressman Napier brings to the campaign a long and distinguished career of service to his country.  Throughout his career, Congressman Napier has been at the forefront of ethics and reform in government having served as the Chief Republican counsel on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure, as Chief Legal Counsel and Chief Legislative Assistant to Senator Thurmond and as the lead Republican Counsel to the Special Committee on Official Conduct which wrote the first ethics and financial disclosure code for the United States Senate.

President Ronald Reagan named Napier to be a federal judge on the United States Court of Federal Claims in Washington.  On the court, he heard complex business litigation brought against the federal government -- takings, tax refunds, patents, government contracts, many involving sensitive defense and intelligence issues.

“We are delighted to have someone with Congressman Napier’s experience and connections on the team,” Adam Waldeck, SC NEWT 2012 Campaign Director said.  He brings a breadth of national experience with a depth of South Carolina associations that is unparalleled.”

“I’ve studied all the candidates in the race and Newt Gingrich is the right one for the job,” stated Congressman Napier.  "I participated first-hand with Newt as he was an up and coming leader in the Congress and personally attest to the strong leadership part he played in crafting and passing the Reagan economic recovery a generation ago.  Then, as the first Republican Speaker in over 40 years,  he skillfully balanced the budget with a President who was a big spending Democrat.  On both occasions, he brought discipline and focus to the problems at hand. In each instance, he played a major role in reversing a faltering economy and in revitalizing our Nation. We desperately need his type leadership today.  I look forward to helping lead the victory here in South Carolina.”

Congressman Napier has served in leadership roles in several winning South Carolina campaigns; he was a chair of the Reagan-Bush campaign in South Carolina in 1984 and co-chair of South Carolina Governor Carroll Campbell’s re-election campaign.

In addition to his public service and legal practice, Congressman Napier is on the board of directors of Coastal Carolina Bancshares, Inc. and Coastal Carolina National Bank in Myrtle Beach, SC.  He and his wife, Pam, live in Pawleys Island, SC and divide their time between South Carolina and Washington.  They have one daughter, Page, who resides in Washington, and serves as Social Secretary for the European Union Ambassador to the United States.