PRESS RELEASE from Newt 2012
Jan. 19, 2012

SC Newt 2012 Announces Endorsement of Statewide Business Leaders

Greenville, SC – Prominent business leaders throughout South Carolina have announced their support for Newt Gingrich as the “true conservative” in the Republican Presidential Primary this Saturday.  Business leaders from throughout the state are sending South Carolinians a clear message that support is surging in South Carolina and the momentum is with Newt!
These leaders include some of the most outspoken business, economic and political leaders in the state.  
They include:
Doug Wendell said that “until recently, I was waiting for the right man to emerge as the best candidate. Now, there is no question that man is Speaker Gingrich. He is the only candidate who understands all the issues, has the capacity to address them, and the will and wit to win the general election."  
Dr. Floyd stated that "I have concluded a vote for Newt Gingrich is the only way to ensure a conservative is nominated to defeat Obama."
Newt was thrilled to have such an esteemed group of pro-business, pro-free enterprise folks involved in our campaign. As “I’ve said before, America only works when Americans are working.  My Administration will have a pro-growth strategy that balances the budget, pays the debt, and gets Americans working again.  It is not okay that a state as industrious and hard working as South Carolina has an unemployment rate over 9%.  We’ve got to get people working again and I look forward to joining together with South Carolina leaders to do just that.”



R.C. Hammond
Press Secretary

Ruth Sherlock
South Carolina Deputy State Director