PRESS RELEASE from Newt 2012
January 26, 2012          

300 Tea Party Organizations in 36 States Vow to Campaign for Gingrich


Orlando, FL – In another sign of Newt Gingrich’s surging momentum, 200 additional Tea Party Organizers have joined the coalition Tea Partiers With Newt. This Coalition now represents 300 Tea Party organizers from 36 states who have joined together to help elect a bold Reagan conservative in Speaker Newt Gingrich and defeat Massachusetts Moderate Mitt Romney and then President Barack Obama.


Earlier today Newt2012 announced the endorsement of 47 Florida Tea Party organizers who also joined Tea Partiers With Newt.


Tea Party support for Newt in Florida is extremely high according to Tom Gaitens, Former Florida State Director of FreedomWorks. “Newt Gingrich is a Reagan Conservative and Mitt Romney is not. Their records clearly support this. If Americans truly want to have real change they will elect the man who balanced four federal budgets, who has reformed entitlements and not the man who is a Massachusetts Moderate who governed as a liberal and continues to flip flop on every Conservative issue.”


“The GOP establishment and liberal and conservative mainstream media assault on the Speaker clearly shows that the people who have torn our great nation down are afraid of change and bold vision. Another moderate GOP nominee in Mitt Romney will result in the reelection of President Obama.” said Patricia Sullivan, Founder of Patriot Army and Co-Founder of North Lake Tea Party from Eustis, FL.


“The Tea Party is not going to sit by and let the establishment determine who our nominee is. Our time for remaining quiet and balancing our ideals with staying out of elections is absolutely over. We will either elect Newt Gingrich or we will have the second incarnation of John McCain – and we all know how that turned out,” said Karin Hoffman, who leads DC Works For Us in Broward County, FL and has organized meetings between key Tea Party organizers and RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and also former Chairman Michael Steele.


The Tea Partiers With Newt National Coalition is dedicated to electing a true Reagan Conservative to run against and defeat Barack Obama.


If you are a Tea Party member, you are encouraged to join the Newt Tea Party Coalition and help return America to her founding principals at





R.C. Hammond
Press Secretary
Ed. note:  Headline should read "300 Tea Party Organizers..."