PRESS RELEASE from Newt 2012
April 16, 2012
Newt 2012 Announces Delaware Faith Leaders Coalition 
Dover, DE -Newt 2012 has announced its Delaware Gingrich Faith Leaders Coalition. 

The coalition will be led by John Radell and Mike and Tricia Fox. Radell is the President of the Delaware Faith and Freedom Coalition and the Vice Chairman of the New Castle County Republican Party.  Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox are marriage advocates and authors of Marriage for Today. The coalition will join the national coalition, led by George Barna, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, Jim Garlow, Don Wildmon, and J.C. Watts. 

“I support Newt because this nation needs a great president with courage and heart; a president whose trust in the American people is second only to his trust in God” said John Radell.  “Newt understands the damage created by Obama that has weaken our culture and the foundations of freedom.  Its Newt's knowledge that can undo this damage and build a stronger one nation under God for America.”  

“I am honored to have the support of these Delaware faith leaders,” Newt Gingrich said. “They will be instrumental in helping us win the state and spread by making the case that I am the best candidate to defend religious liberty against the administration’s secularism”. 

Pastors Mike and Trisha Fox reinforced the importance of Christians supporting the candidate best prepared to defend their values.

“It's our duty as Conservatives, and not only Conservatives, but Christian Conservatives to stand up and support the only nominee left in our race that actually has a record of standing for real, true, Christian- based conservative values,” they said. 

“As Speakers and Authors, it's so important to articulate American Values, and no one within the vicinity can come close to Newt Gingrich!”
R.C. Hammond
Press Secretary