EMAIL from Newt 2012

Dear Fellow Newt Supporter

I hope you will give me the chance to expand on my quote which was included in Newt’s email below that you received Friday. 

We live in serious times.  And serious times require a serious candidate.  

As an Iowan, I have the good fortune of being able to view the candidates for the Republican nomination up close and personal.  That opportunity gives me a good chance to see the candidates and gauge their depth of knowledge on the issues of the day.   Far too often we’re bombarded by the mainstream media with campaign gossip and trivialities that divert our attention from the real issues facing our nation.  Seeing the candidates in “long form” allows us to skip the sound bites and see how they communicate and perform on substance.  

As I look around the field of candidates for the Republican nomination, I am struck by the fact that Newt Gingrich appears to be taking a novel approach to this campaign – perhaps unprecedented in modern American political history:  he’s actually treating us as if we’re adults.  

With Newt, we don’t get canned stump speeches or clichés without substance.  He is actually engaging the voters in a dialogue about the issues facing our nation, and exploring solutions to those issues.  I’ve seen first-hand how Newt demonstrates genuine knowledge and thoughtfulness on a given issue, rather than repeating a poll tested cliché. 

I genuinely appreciate Newt’s approach to this campaign.  It is refreshing to see a candidate who treats me like I’m an adult, and asks that not just be “for” him, but rather that I stand “with” him, because it will take all of us as citizens working together to get the job done.  

This election is not just about defeating Barack Obama.  It's about moving this country forward with conservative solutions.

I cannot envision any candidate better suited to stand on a stage with President Obama and make the informed, thoughtful case for conservatism, and to present the American people with the option of a candidate who treats them like they’re adults.

I hope you will join me in keeping the Newt 2012 campaign strong with a donation today. 


Dan Seufferlein
Cedar Rapids, IA




From: Newt Gingrich 
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 4:54 PM
To: Dan Seufferlein
Subject: Beating Obama Is Not Enough


 Dear Dan,

“He’s engaging voters with his solutions…he’s treating us as if we are adults.”

This quote from Dan Seufferlein of Cedar Rapids, IA perfectly captures our approach to this campaign:

Clearly describe the problems.
Offer specific solutions.
Respect the intelligence of the American people.

I believe this is the right approach because with our country facing such serious challenges, the 2012 election can’t just be about making Barack Obama a one term president.

Instead, it must be about creating a mandate to pass specific solutions that will actually fix our country’s problems.

The only way the Republican candidate can create that mandate is by running for their ideas and solutions, not just against Barack Obama.

That’s the approach we took in 1994 with the Contract with America and the result was balanced budgets, welfare reform and a booming economy. So we’re running this campaign the same way.

That’s why I am in Iowa this week talking about specific solutions that will create jobs.

Solutions like an American energy program to create jobs by fully utilizing America’s vast supplies of oil, coal and natural gas.

Solutions like repealing the Dodd-Frank law to create jobs by rescuing community banks from crippling regulations that are driving down the value of our homes and preventing small businesses from investing.

Solutions like a 21st century Food and Drug Administration to create jobs by making the United States the best home for the booming biotechnology industry, and to save lives by more rapidly getting new drugs and treatments from the lab to the patient.

These solutions are the heart of our campaign and I'm asking for your financial support so we can keep building this mandate for change.

If you agree that it’s not enough to just attack Barack Obama, that the 2012 election must be about offering real solutions to our challenges, please consider a $10, $25, $50 or more donation today to support our campaign.

Thank you for all you do.

Your friend


P.S. Replacing a Democrat with a Republican in the White House won’t change Washington, and it certainly won’t solve the challenges facing this country. That’s why I’m running on a clear agenda for reform with real solutions to our challenges. If you agree with this approach, please consider donating today.