PRESS RELEASE from Newt 2012
November 21, 2011

Myrtle Beach Tea Party Chair Joe Dugan is With Newt

Greenville, SC - Myrtle Beach, SC Tea Party Chairman Joe Dugan is backing Newt Gingrich for President.  His personal endorsement came in a letter, which you can read below:
Today I would like to announce my personal endorsement of Newt Gingrich for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

This endorsement is the result of years of study and observation of the fiscal and cultural decline of our great nation. We are teetering on the precipice of national decline from which recovery may not be possible. If we fail and fall now, our descent may well encompass fiscal insolvency, the shredding of our Constitution, the end of our free market system (that has long nurtured our entrepreneurial spirit) and a continuing cultural decay into an unrecognizable nation.

In ordinary times we have been able to get by with ordinary presidents and life goes on. However these are the most extraordinary of times and they demand an extraordinary leader who possesses the skills to deal with the enormity of the crises currently facing our country.

My decision to enthusiastically endorse Speaker Gingrich is based on my belief that he and he alone, possesses the talents, experience and wisdom required to successfully bring us back from the brink.

These times call for a historian of our American heritage to bring us back to the Constitutional principles our Founding Fathers so wisely crafted for us.

These perilous times demand a leader who will once again command respect in a tumultuous and unstable world, fraught with nuclear weapons and terrorist threats.

Our current fiscal crisis calls out for the return to Austrian economic theory of free enterprise, individual responsibility and eliminating Chairman Bernanke and the Feds’ shovel of failed Keynesian policies that are digging our fiscal hole ever deeper.

The job is too big for one person alone and so we need a leader who will be able to select the most knowledgeable and capable patriots to fill Cabinet and appointed positions in the new administration. Our president must also know how to work with Congress to overcome the sins of the past, in a most expeditious manner.

Newt Gingrich is the only candidate who can authoritatively address these enormous challenges and reverse the decline of our great nation.

Joe Dugan

November 20, 2012
Myrtle Beach Tea Party, Chairman
South Carolina Patriots, State Coordinator     

Contact: R.C. Hammond