Iowa Mail (General Election) - Patriot Majority USA

Patriot Majority USA (+), a 501(c)(4) headed by Craig Varoga, sent out at least three cards [two shown] (8 1/2" x 11") in the closing week-plus of the campaign targeting the women's vote.

           Oct. 30, 2012            Nov. 3, 2012

According to


The oil tycoon Koch Brothers, and other mega-billion special interests have spent decades funding dozens of front groups in pursuit of their agenda. These front groups seek huge tax breaks for these special interests, while making it harder for middle class Americans to achieve the American Dream. This multi-year effort is called THE GREED AGENDA.

  1. Give More Tax Breaks to the Super Rich
  2. Privatize Social Security and Medicare
  3. Suppress Voting Rights for Working and Middle Class Families
  4. Cut Funding for Public Schools In Favor of For-Profit Education
  5. Roll Back Consumer Protections and Important Regulations On Wall Street and Big Banks
  6. Lower Wages for Middle Class Families
  7. Eliminate Workers’ Rights
  8. Block Pay Equity and Health Care Equity For Women.
  9. Continue Special Giveaways to Super-Rich Oil Companies
  10. Privatize Firefighting and Important Public Services
  11. Cut Funding for Veterans’ Services
  12. Protect Special Interest Polluters From Common Sense Regulations, Even If It Increases the Risk of Cancer and Other Fatal Illnesses