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American Crossroads

"Survive" +
:30 ad from Oct. 24, 2012 run in CO, IA, OH and VA.

[Music] Man (Skip Wolfford): Obama's created a lot of uncertainty, and that's stopping a lot of people from hiring.

Woman (Barbara Spyridakis): The last four years have been really tough.

Man (Skip Wolfford): I don't think Obama's on the side of small business.

Woman (Barbara Spyridakis): The taxes, the regulations, health care issues...

Man (Skip Wolfford): He's spent trillions of dollars and what do we have to show for it?

Woman (Barbara Spyridakis): My kids, are in debt now.

Man (Skip Wolfford): Obama's policies are the problem.

Woman (Barbara Spyridakis): There's no help for middle America, not for me...  I don't think I'll be able to survive four more years of this.

Male Announcer: American Crossroads is responsible for the content of this advertising.

Notes: From the Oct. 24 press release...

New $12.6m Barrage by American Crossroads Slams President in Seven States – One New Ad Features Clint Eastwood

American Crossroads launches three new TV ads in seven states targeting President Obama’s failed economic policies – one featuring Clint Eastwood.

WASHINGTON – In the final stretch of the presidential campaign, American Crossroads today launched three new television ads across seven states pounding President Obama on his failure to turn the economy around.  All told, the new buy totals $12.6m – the group’s largest one week buy to date – and airs in seven swing states for one week.

The first ad, “At Stake,” features writer-actor-director-producer Clint Eastwood telling voters: “In the last few years, America has been knocked down… We need someone who can turn it around fast, and that man is Mitt Romney. There’s not much time left, and the future of our country is at stake.” The Eastwood ad runs in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio and Virginia. View the ad here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klXTb-s7d9A 

The second ad, “Bow,” hits Obama over his policy on China. This ad will air in Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio and Virginia. The spot can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFcuCETdrc4

The third ad, “Survive,” features business owners critiquing Obama’s failures on the economic and regulatory front. The ad, which runs in Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, and Virginia,  can be viewed here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQWFBkcEXCU 

“President Obama failed to turn the economy around over the last four years, hasn’t proposed anything new for the next four years, and we need to hold him accountable by electing a new president,” said Steven Law, President and CEO of American Crossroads. “America is facing the slowest economic recovery in modern history, and our president hasn’t proposed to do anything different to turn it around.”