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Crossroads GPS

"Stopwatch" +
:30 ad run in CO, FL, IA, MI, NV, NH, NC, OH, PA and VA starting June 5, 2012.

[Music] [Stopwatch Sound] Male Announcer: Why isn't the economy stronger? 

In the seconds it takes to watch this our national debt will increase 1.4 million.

In 2008 Barack Obama said:

Obama (10/01/08 clip): We can't mortgage our future on a mountain of debt...

Male Announcer: Now he's adding $4 billion in debt every day, borrowing from China for his spending, every second growing our debt faster than the economy.

Tell Obama stop the spending.  Support the New Majority Agenda at NewMajorityAgenda.org

Notes: The June 5 press release...

Crossroads GPS Launches $7 Million Issue Ad Aimed at Economy and Debt

Ad airs in ten states starting Tuesday night; third spot in $25 million issue advocacy effort supporting New Majority Agenda 

WASHINGTON – Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (Crossroads GPS) today announced a new issue advocacy ad, backed by a $7 million TV buy, in its $25 million effort to focus the national issue debate on jobs, the economy, taxes and debt.

“Stopwatch” portrays the cumulative impact of the Obama Administration’s failure to address the national debt, ignoring even President Obama’s own deficit-reduction panel. The television buy includes network affiliates in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

The new spot will start airing on Tuesday, June 5 and run for two weeks. The spot can be viewed here, and is available for high resolution download upon request. 

“While Europe is in the throes of debt-fueled economic crisis, President Obama keeps spending and charging more on the nation’s maxed-out credit cards,” said Steven Law, president of Crossroads GPS. “We want to encourage a serious debate on the national debt that transcends President Obama’s class-warfare tax hikes.” 

The ad encourages viewers to support the “New Majority Agenda,” which includes a plank on reducing the national debt.  For more information about the six major policy initiatives detailed in the plan, visit www.newmajorityagenda.org 

Since President Obama took office in January 2009, the national debt has increased by more than $5 trillion.  At the same time, 45% more people are on food stamps, millions more have slipped into poverty, real earnings have dropped and job growth has stalled, causing record numbers of Americans to give up looking for work and exit the workforce. President Obama promised that his economic “stimulus” legislation would prevent the unemployment rate from rising above 8%, but it has been above 8% for every month of Obama’s presidency since February 2009.  The real unemployment rate is considered much higher by economists, due to the large number of discouraged workers who have left the workforce since Obama took office.


Crossroads GPS is a policy and grassroots advocacy organization that is committed to educating, equipping and mobilizing millions of American citizens to take action on the critical economic and legislative issues that will shape our nation’s future in the years ahead.

For more information, contact Jonathan Collegio...

>The DNC responded with a lengthy fact check, "Another Deceptive Ad from Karl Rove" that included this summary:

Karl Rove’s newest deceptive ad reminds us of what he and Mitt Romney have in common – zero credibility when it comes to debt. Because of the policies of the last administration-massive tax cuts that weren’t paid for, two wars that weren’t paid for, and the effects of the recession—President Obama entered office facing the largest deficit relative to the economy since World War II. That’s why he slowed federal spending growth to its lowest rate in nearly 60 years, enacted $2 trillion in deficit reduction, and proposed a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by more than $4 trillion over the next decade. Following the playbook of his Republican allies in Washington, Mitt Romney ran up the debt as Governor of Massachusetts – increasing it by 16 percent over four years and leaving the state with the largest per capita debt in the nation. And now he wants to do it again by bringing back the same policies that crashed the economy and devastated the middle class: budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthiest on the middle class’ dime and letting Wall Street write its own rules. Romney Economics didn’t work then and it won’t work now.

>The Nevada State Democratic Party also weighed in...

Las Vegas, NV – Today, Nevada State Democratic Chair Roberta Lange denounced Karl Rove’s new ad that distorts President Obama’s record on debt reduction. 
“Karl Rove’s new ad airing in Nevada blatantly distorts the President’s record on spending and debt. Nevadans deserve to know the truth, and that is that Mitt Romney has no credibility on controlling debt given his $5 trillion tax plan that would blow a hole in the budget, his private-sector record of piling debt on companies and his failed Massachusetts record of running up debt on constituents.  Rove’s new ad attacks debt created by two unfunded wars started before the President took office, and ignores the reality that President Obama responsibly ended the Iraq war and is drawing down our combat mission in Afghanistan, while Romney has publicly declared he wants to keep fighting those wars with no end in sight. And under President Obama, federal spending growth has been slower than under any President since Eisenhower.  The truth behind the ad is that Romney Economics didn’t work then and it won’t work now in Nevada or anywhere else in the country."