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MoveOn.org Political Action

"Tell Mitt Romney: Condemn the Racist Voter Purge NOW." +
:30 ad run June 22, 2012 in FL.

[Music] Man: I became a citizen in 1994 and I've lived in Florida for 34 years, voted for the last 12.

But now some Latinos are getting letters in the mail saying we have 30 days to prove we're American citizens or they'll kick us off the voter rolls.

Gov. Scott's voter purge affects Latinos the most, and if Latinos don't vote Mitt Romney wins.

The purge is not only against the law; it's racist.

So why won't Mitt Romney condemn it.

Tell Mitt Romney to condemn the racist voter purge now.
TEXT: Tell Mitt Romney: Condemn The Voter Purge Now

Female Announcer: MoveOn.org Political Action is responsible for the content of this advertisement.

Notes: According to the press release:

A new 30-second TV ad from MoveOn.org Political Action slams Mitt Romney for his silence about Florida Governor Rick Scott's Latino voter purge after the presumed presidential nominee failed to condemn the purge when he spoke yesterday to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) in Orlando, Fla. President Obama spoke to NALEO this afternoon, one week after announcing that the Department of Homeland Security will stop deportations and grant work permits for students who meet certain requirements.

View the TV ad here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwFXEhhXcRE

The new ad, which will air in Florida, notes that Gov. Scott's purge disproportionately targets Latinos, and that Romney stands to benefit if Latinos are kicked off the rolls. In the ad, a Florida Latino voter says, "Governor Scott's voter purge affects Latinos the most, and if Latinos don't vote, Mitt Romney wins. The purge is not only against the law, it's racist. So why won't Mitt Romney condemn it?"

The ad is part of an intensifying MoveOn campaign to fight back against Republican voter suppression. Yesterday, during Romney’s speech at NALEO, MoveOn circled a mobile billboard around the location that read: Is Gov. Scott’s Voter Purge Racism for Romney? Voter Suppression in Florida Could Benefit Romney in November. Mitt Romney: Condemn The Voter Purge." You can view the mobile billboard here: http://front.moveon.org/one-guess-why-mitt-romney-hasnt-condemned-rick-scotts-racist-voter-purge/

As part of its 99airlines campaign, MoveOn also chartered an airplane to fly over Orlando and around the conference trailing a Spanish banner that read: ROMNEY: CONDENA LA PURGA DE VOTANTES LATINOS (“Romney: Condemn the Latino voter purge").

“We all know that Mitt Romney really, really wants to be president. But it's past time for him to publicly denounce any racist tactics that Republicans employ to keep lawful voters from voting," said MoveOn’s National Campaign Director, Garlin Gilchrist II. “Romney's silence speaks volumes to the voters targeted by these suppression schemes.”