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Priorities USA Action/LCV  Victory Fund

"$200 Million Man" +
:30 ad run starting April 25, 2012 in CO, NV.

[Music] Male Announcer: He’s the two hundred million dollar man.

And big oil’s fingerprints are all over him.

Big oil’s pledged two hundred million to help Mitt Romney.

And Romney’s pledged to protect their profits and billions in special tax breaks.

So when you fill up your tank, remember who’s in the tank for big oil.

Mitt Romney.  The two hundred million dollar man.

Priorities USA Action and LCV Victory Fund are responsible for the content of this advertising.

Notes: From the press release...

Priorities USA Action and LCV Victory Fund Ad: Mitt Romney, In the Tank for Big Oil

WASHINGTON, D.C—League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund and Priorities USA Action today partnered to release a new television ad “$200 Million Man” to highlight Governor Romney’s pledge to protect Big Oil’s profits and billions in special tax breaks, at the expense of middle class Americans.

The ad is part of a major campaign running on television and online in Colorado and Nevada beginning today.

“With Governor Romney promising to keep the oil industry’s taxpayer-funded handouts, it’s not surprising that Big Oil is spending big money to protect its big subsidies,” said Gene Karpinski, President of the League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund. “Romney has whole-heartedly embraced an industry that is profiting twice off Americans: once at the pump and again when we pay our taxes.”

“While President Obama is taking serious action to make America less dependent on dirty and dangerous sources of Middle East oil and create clean energy jobs here at home, Governor Romney and the oil companies bankrolling his campaign are profiting from high gas prices politically and financially,” said Paul Begala, Senior Advisor for Priorities USA Action. “With Mitt Romney in Big Oil’s pocket, voters can be sure he won’t do a thing to drive down gas prices for the middle class.”