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Priorities USA Action

"Pages" +
  :30 ad running May 20, 2011 in SC.

[Music] Female Announcer: Newt Gingrich says that the Republican plan that would essentially end Medicare is too radical.  [page turning SFX]

Gov. Haley thinks that the plan is courageous and Gingrich shouldn't be cutting him off at the knees.  [page turning SFX]

Mitt Romney says he's on the same page as Paul Ryan who wrote the plan to essentially end Medicare. 

But with Mitt Romney, you have to wonder [multiple page turning SFXs] which page is he on today?

Priorities USA Action is responsible for the content of this advertisement.

This ad, the first by the new super PAC Priorities USA Action, was timed to run just in advance of exploratory candidate Mitt Romney's visit to the Palmetto State.  It has its origin in Newt Gingrich's remarks on Medicare during a May 15 appearance on NBC News "Meet the Press" which have caused considerable ferment (see for example DNC May 20 video "Litmus Test.")