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SEIU COPE/Priorities USA Action

"Dos Caras" +
:30 ad run in Tampa and Orlando, FL starting Jan. 24, 2012.


[Music] Female Announcer: Mitt Romney no tiene vergüenza.  Muestra una cara a la comunidad hispana y otra completamente diferente a todos los demás.  

Por un lado, lanza un comercial dirigido a los votantes hispanos aquí en la Florida para tratar de convencernos que comparte nuestros valores.

Pero en otro estado presume de tener el apoyo de Kris Kobach, un líder del movimiento en contra de los hispanos y autor de muchas de las leyes anti-inmigrantes como la SB 1070 en Arizona que injustamente atacan a nuestras familias y siembran miedo e incertidumbre en nuestras comunidades.  

Romney dice que se preocupa por nuestros hijos, pero ha prometido vetar el DREAM Act que abriría oportunidades educacionales para los jóvenes hispanos.  

Sus anuncios en español dicen que Romney “cree en nosotros”, pero los hechos hablan por si solos.

No nos dejemos engañar. Puede que tenga dos caras, pero sabemos bien quien es el verdadero Mitt Romney.

Pagado por SEIU-COPE.  SEIU.org.  No autorizado por ningún candidato ni comité de un candidato.


Mitt Romney has no shame. He shows one face to the Hispanic community and another completely different one to everyone else.

On the one hand, he launches a commercial here in Florida targeted to Hispanic voters to try and convince us that he shares our values.

But in another state he boasts about having the endorsement of Kris Kobach, a leader in the anti-Hispanic movement and author of many anti-immigrant laws like Arizona’s SB 1070 that unfairly attack our families and spread fear and uncertainty in our communities.

Romney says he cares about our children, but he has promised to veto the DREAM Act that would open the doors of opportunity for young Hispanics.

His Spanish-language ads say Romney “believes in us”, but his deeds speak for themselves.

Let’s not be fooled.  He might have two faces, but we know all too well who the true Mitt Romney is. 

Paid for by SEIU-COPE.  SEIU.org.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Notes: The Jan. 24 press release from SEIU and Priorities USA Action

In New Florida Ad Campaign, SEIU and Priorities USA Action Blast Mitt Romney for Disingenuous, ‘Two Faced’ Outreach to the Hispanic Community

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Several weeks ago, the 2.1 million-member Service Employees International Union (SEIU) declared through an endorsement of President Barack Obama and the endorsement of a 99 percent agenda, that working people were ready to fight for a vision of America that includes a pathway to citizenship for every immigrant worker, a stronger middle class and a better future for all working people.

As part of the effort to deliver on this 99 percent agenda, SEIU today announced a joint ad campaign with Priorities USA Action to highlight the two faces of Mitt Romney, including his insincere and disingenuous outreach strategy to Hispanic voters. Mr. Romney has been running Spanish language media ads to try to convince the community that he shares our values but his record on jobs, immigration and education paints a vastly different story.                                                       

“Mitt Romney fails to recognize the problem with alleging concern for the Hispanic community while supporting pro-corporate policies, railing against the DREAM Act, which allows young, talented Hispanics an opportunity to pursue educational goals; and partnering with Kris Kobach, the godfather of anti-immigrant legislation such as Arizona’s SB 1070,” said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Eliseo Medina. “He says one thing in English language media to appeal to conservative voters and another thing in Spanish language media.”

SEIU is releasing the first ad of the joint ad campaign on Tuesday, Jan. 24. The ad will air in Tampa and Orlando.

“The ad campaign is part of a broader effort to talk to voters about where candidates stand on the core issues that affect working families, and how we can enact policies that work for the 99 percent, not just the 1 percent,” said SEIU National Political Director Brandon Davis.  “A core piece of that strategy is supporting candidates who are committed to focusing on good job creation, ending devastating cuts to programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, calling on the rich and large corporations to pay their fair share in taxes and creating a fair pathway to citizenship for immigrants.”

"If elected President, Mitt Romney’s policies would be devastating to Hispanic families. In a Romney administration, the tax burden would shift onto middle class families in order to protect corporations and the wealthiest Americans," said Paul Begala, Senior Advisor for Priorities USA Action. “Mitt Romney would not only block a path to citizenship for immigrants, he would slash education, repeal healthcare reform and undermine social security and Medicare at a time when we need it most.”

“Working people are looking for candidates to be honest, consistent and straightforward. Mitt Romney is failing on all accounts,” Medina said.

Although the SEIU-Priorities USA Action campaign is targeting Mitt Romney, no current GOP presidential candidate, including Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum, are viable alternatives for Hispanic voters.