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SEIU COPE/Priorities USA Action

"Mitt Romney No Tiene Vergüenza"(Dos Caras 2) +
:30 ad run in Tampa and Orlando, FL and Las Vegas and Reno, NV starting Feb. 1, 2012.


[Music] Female Announcer: Mitt Romney no tiene vergüenza. Muestra una cara a la comunidad hispana y otra completamente diferente a todos los demás.  

Por un lado, Romney es un multimillonario quien paga una tasa de impuestos injustamente baja. Pero por otro lado, acusa de oportunistas a los inmigrantes trabajadores, declarando que solo están aquí buscando limosnas. 

Romney (soundbite): "… a lot of people just come here or come across, or walk across the border that have no skill, no education, and are looking for, for a free deal"

Female Announcer: Romney dice que se preocupa por nuestros hijos, pero una y otra vez promete vetar el DREAM Act que abriría oportunidades educacionales para los jóvenes hispanos. 

Sus anuncios en español dicen que Romney "cree en nosotros", pero los hechos hablan por si solos. 

No nos dejemos engañar. Puede que tenga dos caras, pero sabemos bien quien es el verdadero Mitt Romney.   

Pagado por SEIU-COPE.  SEIU.org.  No autorizado por ningún candidato ni comité de un candidato.


Female Announcer: Mitt Romney has no shame. He shows one face to the Hispanic community and another completely different one to everyone else. 

On the one hand, Romney is a multimillionaire who pays an unfairly low tax rate. But on the other hand, he accuses hard working immigrants of being opportunistic, declaring that they're just here looking for handouts.

Romney (soundbite): "… a lot of people just come here or come across, or walk across the border that have no skill, no education, and are looking for, for a free deal."

Female Announcer: Romney says he cares about our children, but time and time again he promises to veto the DREAM Act that would open educational opportunity for young Hispanics. 

His Spanish-language ads say Romney "believes in us", but his deeds speak for themselves. 

Let's not be fooled. He might have two faces, but we know all too well who the true Mitt Romney is. 

SEIU-COPE paid for and is responsible for the content of this ad. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. SEIU.org

Notes: The Feb. 1, 2012 press release from SEIU and Priorities USA Action

SEIU and Priorities USA Action Expand Ad Campaign in Florida and Nevada to Continue to Expose the Two Faces of Mitt Romney

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Priorities USA Action and SEIU today doubled their efforts to educate voters about the "two-faces" of Mitt Romney and his unbelievably low 13.9 percent tax rate with new Spanish language radio ads in Florida and Nevada. Priorities USA Action launched a new ad in Tampa and Orlando, Florida and SEIU launched a new ad in Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada. The text of both ads is the same. The ads will launch today, February 1.

"Although Mitt Romney may walk away winning the Florida GOP primary, he can't walk back his support of treating immigrants so terribly that they are forced to self-deport," said SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Eliseo Medina. "He can't walk back his fondness of Kris Kobach, the godfather of anti-immigrant legislation like Arizona's SB 1070. He can't walk back the fact that as head of Bain Capital he fired thousands of workers. He can't walk back the fact that as a multimillionaire he pays less in taxes than the majority of hardworking Latinos. As he heads into states with more Latinos, his 'dos caras' with our community will become even more evident."

The ads highlight Romney's dramatically low tax rate. While accusing immigrants of coming to this country to look for handouts, Romney helped himself to a massive handout on the federal government's dime with a tax rate of 13.9 percent.

"Mitt Romney's 13.9 percent tax rate is the ultimate handout," said Paul Begala, senior adviser to Priorities USA Action. "To claim that immigrants come to America for a 'free deal' while paying a tax rate that is half of what hard working Americans pay is the height of hypocrisy. If Mitt truly cared about the best interests of the Hispanic community, he would advocate for a fair tax system and job-creating policies that benefit middle-class families, not just the wealthiest Americans."

In Florida and Nevada, we will remind voters of the two-faces of Mitt Romney: the candidate who is willing to say one thing in Spanish to Hispanic voters and something entirely different - and more sinister - in English to non-Hispanic voters.

"From his partnership with Kobach, to his economic policies that will harm Hispanic communities, Mitt Romney cannot hide from his record," said SEIU National Political Director Brandon Davis. "We intend to pound the pavement and cover the airwaves to remind voters of Romney's anti-immigrant and anti-working family record."

Although the SEIU-Priorities USA Action campaign is targeting Mitt Romney, no current GOP presidential candidate, including Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum, is a viable alternative for Hispanic voters.