EMAIL from Markos Moulitsas, Publisher, Daily Kos
February 27, 2012

I'm about to ask you to do something that might sound strange, but hear me out: in order to help President Obama and all Democratic candidates this November, please vote for Rick Santorum in the Michigan primary on Tuesday, February 28.

If Rick Santorum wins the Michigan primary, or at least keeps it close, the Republican presidential nomination campaign will drag out for months. That would be very good news for President Obama, Democratic candidates and most importantly, our country. Here's why: This is why we, the Obama's campaign, his Super PAC,, and the Michigan Democratic Party are all trying to damage Mitt Romney ahead of the primary tomorrow. Your vote for Rick Santorum can help close the deal.

So please, head to your usual polling place on Tuesday, February 28, and vote for Rick Santorum. It might be painful, but you will be doing both President Obama, the Democratic Party and the entire country a big favor.

Keep fighting,

Markos Moulitsas
Publisher, Daily Kos

P.S. Polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM. If you don't know where your polling place is, click here to find out. (link:
ed. Daily Kos announced "Operation Hilarity" in a Feb. 15, 2012 posting "Announcing Operation Hilarity: Let's keep the GOP clown show going!"