Campaign Literature

Organizing for America
Card, 8" x 3 1/2" from CA, June 2012.

How President Obama is Fighting for You

President Obama is focused on building an economy that's built to last and giving all Americans a fair shot at middle-class security—from a good education to quality health care.

That's why he's kept his promises on health care reform, student loan reform, and ending Wall Street abuses, and it's why he's pushing for more progress on jobs.

He knows that the American people live up to their responsibilities every day, and it's time that leaders in Washington, DC live up to theirs.

The Accomplishments

- Helped get our economy back on track, creating more than 3 million private sector jobs as of December 2011

There's more work to do, but we've seen real progress

- Passing the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

- Doubling funding for Pell Grants

- Capping maximum monthly student loan repayments at 10 percent of income

- Bringing the war in Iraq to a responsible end

- Refocusing the fight on al-Qaeda

- Ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

- Helping veterans find good jobs and improving access to quality health care

- Nearly doubling the fuel efficiency of America's cars and light trucks

- Establishing the first-ever national standards on mercury and other toxic emissions from power plants

- Expanding health care access to 32 million more Americans

- Allowing young people to stay on their parents' insurance plans up to age 26

- Ending insurance company abuses like denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions or canceling coverage when a person gets sick

- Covering preventive care, like mammograms, check-ups, and vaccinations