Campaign Literature

Party for Socialism and Liberation Campaign Committee
Card, 6" x 4", Oct. 2012.

Seize the Banks - Jobs, Health Care & Housing for All
Fight for Socialism
President & Vice President 2012

Of, by and for the people ...
Not billionaires and bankers.

vote PSL.

Peta Lindsay President
Yari Osorio Vice President

Party for Socialism & Liberation
Our 10-Point Program
El Programa de 10 Puntos del PSL

Make a job a Constitutional right
Que un trabajo sea un derecho constitutional

Make health care, free education and affordable housing Constitutional rights
Hacer que el cuidado médico, educación gratuita y viviendas accesibles sean derechos constitucionales

Shut down all U.S. military bases around the world - bring all the troops, planes & ships home
Cerrar todas las bases militares de EEUU en el mundo - retirar todas la tropas, aviones y buques de guerra

Stop racist police brutality and mass incarceration
Poner fin a la brutalidad policial racista y el encarcelamiento masivo

Defend our unions
Defender a los sindicatos

Equality for women and free, safe, legal abortion on demand
Igualdad para la mujer, y el derecho al aborto gratuito, legal y accesible

Full rights for all immigrants
Derechos plenos para todos los inmigrantes

Full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
Igualdad plena para la gente lesbiana, gay, bisexual y transgénera

Save the planet - End capitalism
Salvar el planeta - poner fin al capitalismo

Seize the banks - Jail Wall Street criminals
Tomemos los bancos - Encarcelar a los criminales de Wall Street

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