Newt Gingrich Speaks in Concord   ...1 of 1 >
June 14, 2011--Although his top consultants and staff resigned en masse on June 9, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich continues on the campaign trail.  He spoke to business leaders and legislators on "The Future of Small Business" at an event organized by NH Journal at the Kimball Jenkins School of Art in Concord.

(Below) Gingrich speaks with state representatives before the event.
A relentless ABC News reporter sought to ellicit a response from Gingrich on the relationship between his Renewing American Leadership (ReAL) charity and his for profit endeavors, but Gingrich brushed aside the questions, saying "the American people aren't concerned about that."  (Matthew Mosk, Brian Ross and Angela M. Hill of the ABC investigative unit, produced the piece, "Newt Gingrich Charity Paid Cash To Gingrich For-Profit Business," which questioned whether Gingrich's campaign was just a "saavy marketing ploy." +
State Rep. Joseph A. Pitre (Strafford, Dist. 3) (right) talks with another state representative before Gingrich's remarks.
State Rep. Norman Tregenza (Carroll, Dist. 2) is a field rep. on Ron Paul's campaign.