Huntsman House Party in Newmarket   ...2 of 3 >
June 10, 2011--Bob Bestani and Judd H. Alexander ("author, raconteur, bon vivant and all-around good guy") talk with Huntsman's trip director Lanny Wiles, while AP's Holly Ramer is in the background and Theo Alexander is seated by the fireplace.  Judd Alexander was one of several people who came over from the RiverWoods at Exeter retirement community to hear Huntsman.  Alysse Irion from RiverWoods said she is looking for a candidate who is "very courageous," along the lines of Lincoln, FDR and Reagan.  Chuck Chokel, who drove over from New Castle, found out about this event through an e-mail from the local GOP.  He said he is looking for a moderate Republican.  "I wish one could get nominated," he said.  Chokel said the issues most important to him are balancing the budget and the debt and jobs.  Of Huntsman he said, "I like that he's Republican.  I like the fact that he served in a Democratic administration...that shows that he's not a demagogue."  John Grant of Espom, who works in disaster recovery and business continuity, said he is looking for a candidate who can "bring the country together."
Among those crowding into the living room of Rep. Adam Schroadter (at left), were John Granty, Huntsman's daughters Elizabeth, Gracie Mae and Mary Anne, and, just peaking into the bottom of the frame, Ben, the New Hampshire Democratic Party's tracker.
(L-R) Warren Smith of Durham, Carl Irwin of Riverwoods at Exeter, Loanna Ritter and Theo Alexander listen to Huntsman.  Huntsman looks and sounds like a candidate, but hasn't yet announced.  "We have been at this for one month and I will tell you we're checking our last few boxes en route to a final decision which we're going to get to very, very soon," he stated.  [transcript]
Mary Kaye, Huntsman's wife of 28 years.