About These Organization Pages 

Democracy in Action/Eric M. Appleman has put together these organization pages in an effort to show who is who in the party committees and to give a sense of functions the parties fulfill and the experience and education the hard-working staff bring to those committees.  Readers are encouraged to submit additions and corrections to make the pages better; all such input is strictly on background.


Political parties are unique organizations.  They promote ideas rather than products and work in two-year cycles.  They recruit people to run for office.  They raise money by holding events, sending out mail and telemarketing.  It requires a dedicated team to make all this happen. 

These pages are based on conversations with many people, online research and media accounts and have been refined and upgraded over many months. Political parties are fluid and ever evolving entities.  Titles at times do not adequately convey individual responsibilities.  Parties also have stables of consultants who play important roles.  Every effort has been made to get the facts right, but these pages should not be considered definitive

Omissions, gaps, and occasional errors are inevitable, but hopefully these sketches will give a sense of how things are organized.  Some of the departments in these listings are well developed and others have big holes (for example the listings typically do not show much detail on finance organization).  Department headings may be approximate; some small departments may be missing altogether.

Readers seeking detailed information on the precise roles and responsibilities or experience of any specific individual should contact him or her directly.  Any and all shortcomings on these pages are the sole responsibility of Democracy in Action/Eric M. Appleman.