Alex graduated from Dartmouth College in 1993 with a degree in philosophy. While at Dartmouth, Alex played rugby for three years. He was also a member of the Dartmouth Latino Coalition.

Shortly after graduation, Senator Mooney served as an aide to western Maryland Congressman Roscoe Bartlett. After Republicans took over Congress in the 1994 elections, Alex worked as a legislative analyst for the House Republican Conference Committee – part of the leadership of Congress. Alex later left Capitol Hill to work for a small conservative public policy organization.

Alex has always considered his home town one of the greatest places to raise a family. However, over the years he watched as national state and local level government grew and the bureaucracy began taking more of your money and becoming more intrusive in your daily life. That is why he made the decision to run for Senate in 1998.

After knocking on thousands of doors and working tirelessly making his case to the voters of the Third District, Alex was rewarded with 63% of the vote and was sworn in on January 13, 1999, becoming the youngest and only Hispanic member of the Maryland State Senate.  He was re-­‐elected in 2002 and 2006.