PRESS RELEASE from Ron Paul 2012 PCC

For Immediate Release: March 6, 2012
Contact: Gary Howard

Ron Paul Endorsed By Vermont State Rep. Adam Howard
Lamoille County Rep. says of Paul: "What I like most about Dr. Paul?  He doesn't run from his voting record.  He doesn't have to.  He's honest."

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul was endorsed today by Vermont State Representative Adam Howard (R-Cambridge).  Representing the Lamoille-4 District, Rep. Howard serves an area encompassing Belvidere, Waterville, and Cambridge in Lamoille County.
In making his public endorsement, Rep. Howard issued the following statement:

"If it weren't for Ron Paul I wouldn't be in the Vermont Legislature.
"His message is so powerful to young people like me because he thinks like a young person.  He proved to me that there is hope for the Republican Party: That there is hope for personal responsibility, liberty, and independence.  These are rock-ribbed Vermont values.
"As a 7th generation Vermonter whose roots go back through the Revolutionary War to the Mayflower, independence and personal liberty are at the heart of everything I do, from work to play to politics.  Dr. Paul gets that.  He understands that freedom to pursue one's dreams requires restrained government spending and low taxes.
"Ron Paul is the only candidate from either party equipped with the intelligence and courage to make the tough calls to cut spending, be they eliminating wasteful federal agencies or bringing our troops home now.
"We all want the same things: good health, well paying jobs, affordability, opportunity.  Dr. Paul's solutions get at the heart of all of this.  Young people just want a shot.  They don't want a handout.  They want opportunity.
"What I like most about Dr. Paul?  He doesn't run from his voting record.  He doesn't have to.  He's honest."
Second term Vermont State Representative Adam Howard, 38, sits on the influential Transportation Committee in the Vermont State House of Representatives.  In the left-leaning state of Vermont his message of fiscal-conservatism and person liberty netted him 64 percent of the vote in his mountain district. 
"Growing up in Vermont, I learned skills that have helped me in life, business, and public service," Howard says. "My daughters are the eighth generation of my family on our farm. I ran to make sure that they'll have an opportunity to stay here as adults if they so choose." 
Howard is CEO of Height of Land Publications (HOL).  The Jeffersonville, Vermont-based company provides 18 well-paying jobs and has grown to publish Backcountry, Kronicle and Alpinist magazines and their corresponding websites and social media efforts.  His pursuit of business and the outdoors has not been at the expense of his community where he was a founding member and first president of the Cambridge Historical Society and the Brewster River Mountain Bike Club. 

Rep. Howard is currently vice-chair of the Development Review Board.  He spearheads the Cambridge Area Rotary Club's Winter Wellness Days furthering his efforts to get Lamoille County youth active and healthy.  He lives off the grid in his solar and wind-powered home with wife Holly and daughters Hazel and Antonia. 
Providing a strong boost to Ron Paul’s Vermont State organization, such endorsements present Ron Paul as the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney.  They also demonstrate that the 12-term Congressman from Texas has the only campaign organization capable of maintaining a 50-state competition with the moderate-establishment Romney.
