PRESS RELEASE from Ron Paul Presidential Campaign Committee

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                  
Monday, May 23, 2011
Contact: Drew Ivers

Ron Paul Endorsed by State Rep. Glen Massie
Unveils District Chairmen & Coordinators

ANKENY, IA – On Monday, Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul announced his first endorsement from a member of the Iowa legislature. State Representative Glen Massie formally endorsed Ron Paul as his choice for the Republican nominee for President. The endorsement came at a press conference held at Ron Paul's Iowa Presidential headquarters in Ankeny.

"It is distinct privilege and honor to endorse Ron Paul for President of the United States," said Massie. "I have admired Ron Paul for a number of years for being a principled statesman who has faithfully kept his word to uphold the Constitution of this great country."

In addition to the endorsement by Glen Massie, Ron Paul unveiled eight Congressional District Co-Chairmen and announced his campaign in Iowa has more than 100 county co-chairmen. The list of Congressional District Co-Chairmen are:

First District: William Johnson & Dr. Michael Allen
Second District: Marcus Fedler & Roger Barr
Third District: Matt Devries & John Kabitzke
Fourth District: James Mills & Tom German

"With eight District Co-Chairs and over 100 county co-chairs already established, Ron Paul has shown he has the organization ready to make an impact in Iowa," said Campaign Chairman Drew Ivers. "Ron Paul will be tremendously competitive here and his campaign has no plans to slow down."

Ron Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound money. For more information on Congressman Ron Paul’s Presidential Campaign visit
